Filming a Joint Campus

Target audience:

Jewish and Arab College students

Duration of the program:

Yearly college course

Frequency of the program:

Weekly meetings

Number of participants:



The years in which students are within the walls of the university are critical years in shaping their identity as citizens of the country, their perceptions and values. The college campuses are sometimes the first meeting place between different parts of society, certainly when it comes to Arabs and Jews. Due to the primary nature of the meeting there is potential for explosiveness, alienation and hostility between the parties, but also an opportunity to create a respectful and inclusive discourse that leads to shared learning and mutual acquaintance. The “Fiming a Joint Campus” program was established to create this initial connection and partnership.


What We Offer

Out of a desire to bring Arab and Jewish students together The Yigal Allon Center initiated the “Filming a Joint Campus” program. The purpose of the program is to create a meaningful opportunity for  meeting, dialogue, and acquaintance, which will lead to joint work on a photography project. The program will bring students together throughout the school year and touch on socio-cultural issues on the one hand and professional-artistic issues on the other. At the end of the program, a joint photo exhibition will be produced, which will be displayed once at the college and a second time at the Yigal Allon Center Museum.