Security Forces Department

We have to Prepare for war as if it is inevitable and strive for peace as if it's in reach

Yigal Allon
The Yigal Allon Center acts to instill the legacy of Yigal Allon, commander of the Palmach, one of the most prominent generals in the War of Independence, and a minister in Israeli governments. Allon’s legacy combines a deep commitment to the security of the State of Israel along with a responsibility to cultivate a democratic, solidary and peace-seeking society.

The security field occupies a central place in Yigal Allon’s life and legacy, from his service as a company commander in the Palmach, through leading decisive moves as commander of the Palmach and commander of the Southern Front during the War of Independence, to formulating the Geo-political Security perception that stood in the center of the “Allon Plan” after the six-day war. Recognizing that the relationship between army and society is characterized by mutual influence, Yigal Allon developed the IDF’s concept of a “humane people’s army” – a strong army that fulfills its security mission, which sees itself as part of a democratic and solidary society, and that those who serve in it are driven by a sense of mission and social responsibility. We believe that this concept should be adopted by members of the security forces (in the IDF, the Israel Police, the Fire and Rescue Service, the IPS and MADA) in dealing with the complex challenges they face.


What We Offer

The Yigal Allon Center offers a variety of programs on topics related to command and leadership, pioneering and Zionism, history and geopolitics and heritage. We work with a target audience ranging from soldiers to senior officers and operate in frameworks tailored to  the unit’s needs, from short-term activities, through seminars to annual courses.

Sample Programs

The educating commander

A seminar for commanders which assists them in clarifying values ​​and formulating their scale of values. Using the museum will examine the challenges that exist today in maintaining the spiritual embers and mental resilience of security forces servicemen. What is the engine that keeps them motivated?

Also possible as a 8-10 session long course of 4 hours per session

Israeli Society – Periphery in Israel

A seminar for commanders in which we will get to know the complexity and challenge of life in the northern periphery of the State of Israel and be exposed to the strengths and weaknesses that exist in the Israeli periphery and the social, geographical and cognitive reasons for their formation.