שביל הסנהדרין
כ-150 ממצאים עתיקים ובהם גם אבן נדירה מתקופת בית המקדש השני, המציגה תיאורים של בית המקדש מהימים שבהם עמד על תילו בירושלים
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כ-150 ממצאים עתיקים ובהם גם אבן נדירה מתקופת בית המקדש השני, המציגה תיאורים של בית המקדש מהימים שבהם עמד על תילו בירושלים
In 1986 two brothers from Kibbutz Ginosar discovered the remains of an ancient boat on the northwest shore of the Sea of the Galilee not far from the Yigal Allon Center.
חדר הבוחן את דמות המנהיג בראי חייו ונקודות משמעותיות בחייו של יגאל אלון
Enter a biographical album of Yigal Allon life. The exhibit depicts in chronological order Allon’s family, childhood in Kefar Tavor, years in Caduri agricultural school, the establishment of Ginosar, military service, years as member of Knesset and government minister.
For 19,000 years, the Sea of Galilee has been a source of water and natural food for humans from diverse cultures
The exhibition illustrates the development of Israeli nation rebirth and its growth from the first Aliya to the present. The exhibition includes the decisions making process and the development of Israel’s rebirth.
The exhibit presents the Jewish legacy in the Galilee. In all the history of the Galilee, there had never been a culture that had influenced the people of its period and for generations afterwards, to the present, like the culture of the Mishna and the Talmud.
Spring Gathering was an event in which Yigal Allon hosted at his home in Kibbutz Ginosar.
The exhibition presents original illustrations by Yiftach Allon, most of which he illustrated for children’s books.
חלק זה של המוזיאון נותן לצופה תחושה של המגוון האנושי הגדול שבנה את חייו בגליל.
Sunday-Thursday 08:00-17:00
Friday-Saturday – For groups of at least 20 participants by prior arrangement only.
To book tours, activities and an escape room, please arrange in advance:
The health of the visitors and the staff are our top priority, so we will appreciate a joint effort to follow the rules and ensure the health of everyone.